This is why we search: Part 2

This old, dilapidated, 12x10' railroad outbuilding was our early-morning fire at my part-time department.



This is Why We Search: Part I

It was unoccupied at the time of the fire, but police told us that someone's been living here for months.

We arrived to fully-involved conditions, so survivability wasn't plausible. But be honest -- if you arrived at this and there were any tenable space, would search be a priority?

Until this morning, I would have told you no.

And you should have seen our faces when cops broke the news -- and the sigh of relief when we had an all-clear.

But really, an 80+ year-old building. Even if I posted pictures of this structure partially involved, some people would crack their fingers in excited anticipation and let their words flow into the comments: a gleefully and confident decision to "let it burn! Why take any risk at all?"

It's our job to put the fire out. Can you imagine being the one who decided to "let it burn" because it looked like a worthless little building, only to find out someone was inside the whole time?

So, reiterating, with concern for what the fire gods have up their sleeves next...

Keep an open mind, and remember -- this is why we search. 

A DELAYED HAT-TIP to Grant Schwalbe at When Things Go Bad, Inc. for some inspiration in helping push a message he -- and others -- help spread as well.

Barrett Dorner

Barrett is a private on the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department. He previously served as a firefighter/duty officer at the Rossford Fire Department. Barrett holds a Bachelor of Science in Fire Administration from Bowling Green State University.

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