Kitchen table conversation,

Our Core Beliefs

We’re here for them.

Training is safety.

Respect the basics.


“In 52 seconds, my crews already had 600 feet of 5-inch laid in, water flowing from two hand lines, and the tanker hooked up ready to relay.“

Chief Mike Cox, Risingsun (OH) Fire Department

Most Popular Courses

  • Attic fires aren't as scary as they look from outside. In fact, fires contained to the attic of a single-family home often give us the best chance to save lives and property. It takes a proper size-up, an understanding of tactical options, and mastery of the basic firefighting skills.

    Backed by real-world case studies and research from the top experts in our service, this course reframes attic fires to replace misplaced concern with evidence-based confidence.

  • Fear is respect. Fear is appreciation for the inherent dangers of our job. Fear drives us to train harder, be more aware, and prepare for the worst.

    A first-person perspective on two mayday incidents leads to a discussion on the importance of firefighters, educators, and organizations fostering a healthy, rational level of fear, without compromising our promise to trade our life for a citizen's should the need arise.

  • PAR tags, cow tags, a whiteboard, or the latest technology is no replacement for actual accountability — and in most places, that comes down to incident command. Managing the scene, tracking resources, and maintaining a strong command presence are highlighted as we talk about three simple changes to improve your IC.

  • No one hates firefighters. Even the citizen whose house burned to the ground will bring you cookies and thank you for trying. Sometimes, that makes us forget we need to look for ways to be better. After action reports give us the chance to look at even the successful incidents and fine-tune our operations at every level. A local case-study highlights how to make it happen, and why you owe it to your citizens to start with your very next incident.

Meet the brothers behind the Bureau.









The Dorner brothers fought like crazy as kids being raised by a public safety family. Now, their strengths accent each other and their fighting evolved into constructive disagreement about topics in the fire service.

Lead by example, right?

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