Deep dive preplan of 1010 Ostrich Ln.

*Simulation Video*

Isolation’s a great time to deep-dive into buildings in your first-due. We went here for a fire alarm and found, as dispatch stated, “a bad cook” on the top floor.

Built in 1867, it’s a row building, taxpayer on one side, three stories of residential on the other. Oddly, the county auditor’s website doesn’t appear to include details on the residential portion. It’s got one address on the taxpayer side (1007 N. Summit St.), but we were dispatched to the alley (1010 Ostrich Ln., as seen in the photo) — an address that, according to the auditor’s site, doesn’t exist as a separate occupancy. The 19 electrical meters on the Ostrich side at least give us an indication on the number of units. There are even more meters in the playground area.

I’d love to hear what things catch your attention so I can learn. Here are the things that caught mine:

Life Safety

• The exterior stairs are fireproof but the interior courtyard walkway decking is not. Exterior fire spread could cut off citizens and fire crews.

• The above is even more concerning considering ladder rescues would have to be limited to the Charlie/Alpha exterior, as there are no windows on sides Delta/Bravo.


• Access to the ground level of the courtyard requires going through doorways, limiting ladder access

•Each floor has keyed entry to the courtyard

• Maintenance lives on site and was very helpful

•Fence to playground area may need to be pulled down for rescue access to the windows above it

CAD Considerations:

•Ideally, 1007 Summit should include a premise to show its connected to 1010 Ostrich for life safety concerns

This would make a great walkthrough opportunity to see how it’s cut up and what access options there are for rescues of citizens and firefighters should the courtyard walkways be compromised.

#firetraining #alwaysbetter #forthem #makegrabsnotexcuses

Barrett Dorner

Barrett is a private on the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department. He previously served as a firefighter/duty officer at the Rossford Fire Department. Barrett holds a Bachelor of Science in Fire Administration from Bowling Green State University.

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