Bureau Bulletins.
Articles, notes, random thoughts.
Preplan tip: Ponds in the winter
Imagine if it were snowy, the pond was ice-covered, and you weren't aware of the ponds that dot this apartment complex -- that could create a horrible situation for an unsuspecting firefighter.
JENGA is not extrication training
If I’m trapped in my car, wrapped up in mangled metal, I hope the crew that shows up didn’t spend their last extrication drill playing JENGA and gently relocating eggs.
Sorry, I’m not going to sugar coat it. We’re better than that.
Deep dive preplan of 1010 Ostrich Ln.
Isolation’s a great time to deep-dive into buildings in your first-due. We went here for a fire alarm and found, as dispatch stated, “a bad cook” on the top floor.
You don’t know what you don’t know
We talk at length about the disconnects that lead to challenges when crews face attic fires when we host that discussion. What information isn’t making it to people *before* they’re forced to make decisions in a few seconds?
A closer look at incidents that "went well"
Good outcome. Bad way of getting there. It becomes commonplace without recognition. Boom -- normalization of deviance.